Hear what some of the investors in the portfolio have to say
“Hej @Macchia69 jestem Twoim wiernym kopiującym od 13.03.23 i to był mój najlepszy wybór PI w mojej dwuletniej historii na eToro 🙂 Thanks.”
“Hey @Macchia69 I have been your faithful copycat since 13/03/23 and it was my best PI choice in my two-year history on eToro 🙂 Thanks.”
@menago76 🇵🇱
“Would just like to say thank you @Macchia69 for being my most profitable PI, as soon as I can break even on these other copies I’ll be adding more funds!”
@Mavi_03 🇬🇧
“Congratulations man. I opened my etoro account because of you.“
@yzong39 🇩🇪
“Congratulazioni caro Alex !! Aumenterà l’importo della mia copia. Sono un tuo copiatore Fedele e mi congratulo per la metodologia del tuo lavoro.“
@Alberto06071968 🇮🇹
“This copy will most likely be the one i will allocating the most to, because of all the copy trading i have done, you are the one I have the most faith in…“
@Herfst2021 🇳🇱
“Alex’s trading history is money in the bank“
@Fifermullah 🇦🇺
“TThe whole point of copying other investors is to eliminate the need to manage my funds, this is essential for someone like me who has zero clue what I’d be doing investment wise, so trying to bend the rules just to make a few more pence isn’t something I would want to do, it just isn’t worth it. Thank you again for taking the time to explain the strategy, and for all your hard work, it’s greatly appreciated 👍“
@OrganisedChaos 🇬🇧
“@Macchia69 , Thanks Alex for your big effort. Your results are amazing. You shared picture is very nice.”
@petrbrousek 🇨🇿
“Well done @Macchia69 your trading is a winning process that keeps on giving 🏆”
@munVesta 🇦🇺
“Hi Alex, thanks for the good work and communication, fascinating strategy!“
@pianop 🇳🇱
“I had watched Alex for months before understanding what he does and how he does it. I put $1000AUD a week into him. I currently have $24000 and when the UK heads back up next week it will hit $27000. In the few month I have copied him his closed trades have reached 10% of my capital. Since Alex doesn’t close a trade at a loss keep an eye on the closed trades not what’s currently open. Trust him the bloke is all over it.“
@Gchampion 🇦🇺
“Thanks for the divi payment…will store it up to invest more with you once we can pay in more”
@SirEdmund 🇬🇧
“I love investing with you, you are a literal money printing machine 😁“
@Abdulkaderajlani 🇩🇪
“thx again to your judicious approach to the dividends, It’s just refreshing to see such a reasonable and meaningful decisions.”
@tkerlin 🇨🇿
“Really interesting strategy and out of the world, stellar results.”
@Corvus_Altus 🇸🇰
“@Macchia69 Just started copying you from yesterday. I’m glad I found you. Your strategy & communication is outstanding to say the least. Keep it up”
@Aarnnav729 🇨🇭
“Sweet praise is like perfume. It is fine if you don’t swallow it.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower