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#14 – April 2024 – End of month report

Well, things are not going my way, are they? This month has seen a further rise in the $UK100 index, while at the same time not moving the $SPLV and $VNQ enough to let me close those positions. And let’s not even mention $SBSW 🤐

Some say that the UK100 is just following the other indexes with some delay; I find this reading a little simplistic and just think that the macro environment is pushing some investors that were sitting on quite a bit of spare cash to put it back in equity. On one hand, I don’t think this is a flare, but a long-term resetting of the index at a higher level; on the other, I do not discount the fact that there will be one or more corrections down in the 7000s if and when some other geopolitical event will call for it. As I said in the past, I will use these corrections to reset the midpoint of the strategy.

I have today set the SLs for the open shorts at 8500, and there is cash in my coffer to get the SLs to 9000, which I think is not a bad place for the portfolio to sit.

Unfortunately, this position in the grid is not the most profitable, and the returns this month have been largely due to the fact that when shorting, the fees are reversed and the portfolio gets rewarded for the exposure.

I have no crystal ball, so I’ll just have to wait and see. The meteoric rise of the index makes me think that there might be some profit-taking down the line, and we will see if that triggers a correction. Moreover, elections are coming closer, and the wars are entering a rather unpredictable phase, so most if not all bets are off.

Finally, I would like to spend a word to remark on some of the comments added to the posts I published in the last month. There has been some trolling and occasional doom-mongering. I trade in volatility, and my portfolio is not for the faint-hearted. I have been inoculated by being at less than 100 dollars from losing everything before, so I know how to take the pressure of this type of trading. If you’re not comfortable coming on the rollercoaster with me, you can just get off it. I would not, but I cannot advise you, as you’re the best-placed to know what your personal circumstances are and how much risk you feel you can take.

Always trying to get the best for the portfolio, I wish you sound sleep and profitable trading.


💰 The growth for this month was $1,967 (1.97%), .

⏺️ eToro data

  • Month Average Risk: 5,
  • Month Max Risk: 6,
  • Performance -8.87%,
  • Copiers number: 822, 898 (-8.4%),
  • AUM: $2,640,000, $3,010,000 (-12.2%)
  • Portfolio value:
  • Unrealised: $101,967
  • Realized: $74,735
  • Portfolio composition:
  • Index: 70.42% ($UK100)
  • Share: 2.96% ($SBSW)
  • ETF 2.94% (SPLV, VNQ)
  • Cash: 23.69%

⏺️ My data:

  • Unrealised performance
  • Total change: $1.967 (1.97%)
  • Weekly breakdown:
    • W1 0.37%,
    • W2 0.49%,
    • W3 0.79%,
    • W4 0.19%,
    • W5 0.13%